Join iADH Members Showcasing their Research in Disability and Oral Health at IADR
1st March 2023

iADH Researchers will be featured in 2 Symposia at iADR in Bogota, Colombia
Symposia (1)
United Nations Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities: Meeting needs through research by the International Association for Disability and Oral Health.
Organizers: Gustavo Molina / Caoimhin Mac Giolla Phadraig – Chair: Carilynne Yaraskavitch
Topics and speakers: (full details here Symposium (1) Proposal iADH)
Symposia (2)
Title: Promoting and implementing Special Care Dentistry (SCD) in the Curricula.
Organizer: Prof. Michael Botelho Chair: Gustavo Molina
Topics and Speakers (full details here Symposium 2 Proposal iADH Education)